Friday Internet Finds

This week has actually flown by. I'm super excited to go home this weekend for fall break. Are you on break too?

1. Starting off strong with a quiz called "Who Should Be Your Boyfriend?" Buzzfeed knows me very well: it told me "Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy." 

2. I'm in love with my Madewell cargo jacket and I'm also in love with this College Fashion article on how to wear it! 

3. Alyssa Campanella is making me crave a blue trench coat. #thingsineverthoughtidwant 

4. It's time to start thinking about Halloween costumes! Lauren Conrad's post of her costumes from the past few years definitely inspired me to step up my game. 

5. I'm slightly (read that: majorly) obsessed with Carrie Hope Fletcher's new series called "Letters to Autumn." 

Have a great weekend everyone! 

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